Self-care - Original Episodes - Awaken Kindness by DaRevsUSA Podcast
S3 E3 I Can See (with Penny)
Do you see? Penny examines blindness as Jesus heals a man born blind with mud made from his spit. Imagine seeing the world for the first time by breaking the barriers of blindness. The local community questions what is happening – who did it – why? They knew the blind man as a beggar, not part of their community - although he knew them. He lived with them, heard their stories, and had always been very present in the community. The community responded and drove him out. Jesus found him and asked: “Do you believe?” He said: “Lord, I believe.” The blind man had always been and was part of God’s spiritual community, although at times he was challenged by society. Let Christ be present with you here and how – let your light, your love, the radical power of Jesus Christ deep within shine in your life… and share it.
Join DaRevsUSA, Penny and Bill, as they explore and reflect on the Gospel of John, Chapter 9, verses 1-12, and 35-41, share in the Lord’s prayer, and join in singing one verse of Amazing Grace.
Awaken Kindness by DaRevsUSA, a podcast. A progressive podcast looking at the stories of the Bible that enhance self-care and wellness. Hosted by DaRevsUSA, Rev Dr Penny Taylor and Rev Dr Bill Ressl. Simple (grounded in Christ’s love), fun (sharing some time together), yet profound (grounded in a progressive theological lens).
For all the mindful contemplative possibilities, visit
Please note:
At times, scripture contains adult themes that may not be suitable for children, therefore parental discretion is advised.
Up Next in Season 3
S3 E4 Be Bad… or Good? It’s A Choice ...
Penny delves into life’s reality – it’s a choice… be bad or good. Each of us can do either. What would a Good Shepherd do? What does civility look like? What type of world do we wish to live in… to create… to leave to a future generation? Do we follow the model of the Good Shepherd or ??? Come – ...
S3 E5 Share the Story (with Penny)
Penny talks about a special guest. The crowd is wild. Jesus is walking by. Let us share the story. It is time to celebrate our relationship with God. We are in a time of turmoil – and like the days of old we are invited to tell the story so each generation can hear it, share it, and live Christ’s...
S3 E6 The Time is Now for Renewal (wi...
Bill dives deep into renewal in this season of Eastertide. Why now? It’s Eastertide! Let’s explore… A new reality has begun – it is here. How do we live into this new time? What does it look like? Do we doubt like Doubting Thomas? Do we simply return to what we did in the past – or do we look bey...