Hope + Peace Mindful Breathing Exercise Video

Hope + Peace Mindful Breathing Exercise Video

Everyone needs to take a deep mindful breath. The 21st century demands hope and peace – not war and destruction. If we are to survive as a species, let us end the foolishness of war and demand civility grounded on hope and peace of all world leaders. If we are truly a civil humanity that loves and cares for another, let us make hope and peace the standards of our existence. Let it begin… here and now.

Take a minibreak - breathe mindfully and watch as hope and peace come alive. Experience mindful 4-4-4 breathing - inhale for a count of 4 - hold for a count of 4 - exhale for a count of 4. Repeat as needed.

Available on the Awaken Kindness Network from the Rev. Dr. Penny Taylor, LCSW and the Rev. Dr. Bill Ressl, LCSW at the CentertoAwakenKindness.com

Hope + Peace Mindful Breathing Exercise Video
  • S1 E6 016 Hope and Peace

    Everyone needs to take a deep mindful breath. The 21st century demands hope and peace – not war and destruction. If we are to survive as a species, let us end the foolishness of war and demand civility grounded on hope and peace of all world leaders. If we are truly a civil humanity that loves an...