Calm – Pink – 4-4-4 Breathing

Calm – Pink – 4-4-4 Breathing

Take a minibreak - breathe mindfully and watch as the pink color intensifies as calmness comes alive. Experience mindful breathing - inhale for a count of 4 - hold for a count of 4 - exhale for a count of 4. Repeat as needed or return to daily life.

Refocus – Reset – Experience Mindful Breathing with Visio Divina (using visual elements for “Divine Seeing” - seeing the Sacred in imagery and art). The perfect pick-me-up anytime and anyplace – at home or work. Watch as the imagery/art comes to life as your inner self is refreshed.

Available on the Awaken Kindness Network from the Rev. Dr. Penny Taylor, LCSW and the Rev. Dr. Bill Ressl, LCSW at the

Calm – Pink – 4-4-4 Breathing
  • S1 E5 014 Calm - Pink

    Take a minibreak - breathe mindfully and watch as the pink color intensifies as calmness comes alive. Experience mindful breathing - inhale for a count of 4 - hold for a count of 4 - exhale for a count of 4. Repeat as needed or return to daily life.

    Refocus – Reset – Experience Mindful Breathin...